If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may have noticed that I didn’t post anything last week.
I have been writing on this blog weekly since March 2013, without any kind of break. Some weeks, I had a lot to say, but other weeks, not so much. On those Sunday nights when I had nothing written for my blog, I always felt this pressure to write something to post for the following week. I would find myself digging for a topic and sometimes posting a piece that didn’t really come from my heart.
Nothing really happened last week that prevented me from posting an entry. It was a full week, but no more than any other time. I had a few pieces that I was thinking of posting, but they needed work and I never got around to revisions. I am currently taking a personal essay writing class and most of the writing I have done lately has been for that course. There was other work that I needed to catch up on, and figuring out my blog post was simply low on the list. I just never got around to it and suddenly it was Friday afternoon and I realized that I hadn’t published a post.
When I started my blog in 2013, I was also starting my business. I had so many ideas that I wanted to write about. Now, my practice is different. I am happy with the number of clients that I have and I mainly focus on writing and workshops. There has been a shift in my writing, which requires much more editing and revisions than in the beginning.
So, I let the week go by without publishing a post. I felt relief. It was suddenly clear to me that I didn’t need to be posting blogs every single week.
I still plan to publish regularly on this blog, but I am no longer holding myself to the once a week requirement. It doesn’t work well with what is going on in my life right now. This experience was a reminder to pay attention to the signs from the universe and make choices as to how I wanted to spend my energy. Sometimes it is necessary to shift around our priorities and be flexible.
After all, if we always did the same thing, we would never accomplish anything new.
Are you following a routine that doesn’t serve you anymore? If so, maybe it is time to do something different.
Not committing myself to weekly posts will allow a change in my focus when necessary. By allowing this shift in my professional life, I know that it will open up more space for me to write from my heart, which was the purpose of my blog when I started it.
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