I am starting a regular series focusing on “superfoods.” What are superfoods? They are foods that pack a serious nutritional punch and are excellent for your health.
Today’s superfood is… the avocado!
Yum. I love avocados. Technically a fruit, avocados are nutrient-dense, containing potassium along with numerous vitamins (including vitamins A, B, C, E and K) and minerals. They are a fat, but contain mainly monounsaturated fat, which is considered a “healthy” fat. They also contain more protein and less sugar than most other fruits, and are high in fiber. In addition to the nutrient content of avocados, research has shown that they may help with certain health issues, including lowering cholesterol, and reducing the risk for diabetes, heart disease and cancer. They are also considered to be anti-inflammatory. Any hesitation about the fat content is far outweighed by the health benefits of this awesome fruit. However, as with any food, avocados should be consumed in moderation.
There are numerous ways to incorporate avocados into your diet. I add avocados to my salads, or eat a slice with my morning eggs. One of my favorite uses of avocados is to make avocado toast. This involves spreading avocado over a piece of toasted whole wheat bread, sprinkling on some pumpkin seeds and adding salt and pepper to taste. Of course, avocado is the main ingredient for guacamole, which is one of my favorite snacks. I put avocado in sandwiches and wraps, and sometimes just eat it “as is” for a snack. Avocado is great in a smoothie to make it more filling. Also, because of its creamy texture, it can be used as a butter substitute in certain recipes.
Bonus: Avocados are not just to eat! The avocado is also a super moisturizing beauty product and great on skin and hair.
I buy my avocados green, and ripen them at home in a fruit bowl. They are ready to eat when the outside has turned dark and the fruit is slightly soft to the touch.
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