My friend Kim texted me last week, and suggested that I write a post about snacking for “snackaholics” like her. I thought it was a great idea. What are some ways to maintain healthy habits while snacks?
I don’t feel that there any real problems with snacking, as long as it is done mindfully and in moderation. Personally, I find that snacking leads to issues for me when I am just dipping my hand into a bag of something and eating just to eat, rather than eating because I am actually hungry.
One of my biggest issues with snacking is that few people do it mindfully. It is difficult to pay attention to what you are eating while watching TV or otherwise distracted. Our culture does not promote snacking mindfully. Going to the movie theater involves a huge bag of popcorn. Bars put out peanuts and chips. Sports games always seem to include food, whether you are watching them live or on TV. These are all examples of times when it is easy to snack when you aren’t actually hungry.
One of the best pieces of advice that I read years ago for snacking is to pour a portion of snacks into a small bowl rather than eating out of the bag. This makes it easier to pay attention to what you are eating and to stop when full. If you are snacking mindlessly, you are more likely to consume more calories without realizing it.
As for “healthy” snacks, I prefer whole foods over processed food. This means chosing snacks like fruit, nuts, seeds, or beans over food like chips, pretzels, and cookies. Whole foods will keep you fuller longer and often contain fiber. That said, there are many companies that make healthy snacks that I use when I am out. My on-the-go snack is usually a Kind bar. When I am home, I try to snack on things like apples, almonds or edamame.
When you get the urge to snack, consider questions like, is it satisfying? Are you even hungry? Will it nourish your body? Are you robotically eating handfuls of food or are you savoring each bite? Pay attention to what you are eating, and enjoy it!
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