Without a doubt, the question that I am asked most often about natural skin care is about what kind of sunscreen I use on myself and my daughter. This is a bit of a controversial subject, as there are many big, well-known companies using all sorts of chemicals in their products. With the increase… [Read More]
cookies and kindness: how to be kinder to your body and soul
For many people, one of the biggest hurdles to better health is the refusal to engage in self kindness. How can we achieve better health when we are so unkind to ourselves? What exactly is self-kindness? Being kind to our bodies and our souls. It begins by treating ourselves the way that we want others to… [Read More]
bath therapy
I threw out my back last week. Ouch. I am active every single day and am constantly carrying my daughter, yet I managed to injure myself while lifting a very light bag in the market. The injury seemed to be a strained muscle, just on my right side. I spent a few days wincing in pain every time… [Read More]
gratitude journaling: a simple way to achieve better health
I had such an awesome day last Friday. My husband was home from work and we were able to hang out together at home. I spent time with two dear friends. I went out to dinner at one of my favorite restaurants and sat outside, enjoying the warm, summer night. My daughter was finally healthy… [Read More]
coconut oil hair treatment
Mmmm, coconut oil. In my house, you will find jars of coconut oil in my kitchen and my bathroom. Yup, I use it for both cooking and on my body. Coconut oil is the base for most of my homemade beauty products. In preparation for two upcoming workshops this summer on Natural Beauty Basics, I… [Read More]
My friend Kim texted me last week, and suggested that I write a post about snacking for “snackaholics” like her. I thought it was a great idea. What are some ways to maintain healthy habits while snacks? I don’t feel that there any real problems with snacking, as long as it is done mindfully and in moderation…. [Read More]
drink. more. water.
Summer is officially here! With the 4th of July quickly approaching, it really feels like summertime. As the weather gets warmer, its easy to forget how important it is to stay hydrated. Many prefer a cold beer or chilled wine during this season, but it is incredibly important to drink enough water, especially during the summer months…. [Read More]
summertime sugar
Ah, summer. I LOVE summer. I love being outside, at the beach, in the ocean, by the pool… basically everything great about summertime. I complain about the cold all winter long, but you will never hear me complain about the heat. Once the weather gets warm, everyone fires up those grills and barbecue season begins…. [Read More]
emotional eating
Last week, I wrote a post about juice cleansing, which was a very positive experience for me. On the last afternoon of my cleanse, after my blog post had gone up, my one year old daughter came down with a virus. She had a fever, and spent several hours laying on my chest, crying. It was… [Read More]
Juice cleansing
I did a juice cleanse this week. Here are the juices lined up in my fridge: Juice cleanses have become extremely popular in the last few years. There are numerous companies offering cleanses, with different options. I typically do the Blueprint Cleanse once or twice a year. Blueprint offers 3 green juices, one pineapple juice,… [Read More]