If you are a regular reader of this blog, you may have noticed that I didn’t post anything last week. I have been writing on this blog weekly since March 2013, without any kind of break. Some weeks, I had a lot to say, but other weeks, not so much. On those Sunday nights when I… [Read More]
How Becoming a Mom Made me Less Busy
Before I became a mom, I was always really busy. I loved my whirlwind life of being out and on the go. Between brunch with girlfriends, double dates with other couples, family obligations and travel, it seemed that I never had a free weekend. And if I did, I made plans to fill it up. I… [Read More]
Fill Your Bucket: Breathing to Find Balance
Last week, BonBon Break published my original essay called “Breathing to Find Balance in Motherhood.” This piece was one of fifteen selected for their March theme, “Fill Your Bucket.” I was thrilled to have my writing chosen. When I set out to write my post in response to BonBon Break’s call for submissions, I initially planned… [Read More]
Don’t forget to love yourself
Between Valentine’s Day and heart awareness month, there has been a lot of talk about love these last few weeks. There are many different kinds of love, but the emphasis is on loving others during this time of year. In my daughter’s mommy and me class, we made Valentines Day cards for her to give away…. [Read More]
Healthy living for the whole family
This article first appeared on Run Stroller Run and is republished here with permission. As a mom, I strive to model healthy living to my toddler daughter Emma through my food choices and regular exercise. Since I work as a Holistic Health Coach and a fitness instructor, my daughter has been exposed to healthy living from… [Read More]
New year, same you: How to set lasting goals
This week marks the beginning of a new year – 2015! For many of us, the start of a new year brings up the expectation of resolutions. I will admit that I have never liked the idea of New Year’s resolutions, for several reasons, mainly due to the disappointment that comes with failed resolutions. Setting a goal… [Read More]
Loving Our Bodies: Tips from a 2-Year-Old.
This article first appeared on elephant journal and is republished here with permission. My daughter Emma has a beautiful, round tummy. She loves to lift up her shirt and point to it, while happily announcing, “belly!” She pushes the baby flesh in while laughing. “Look at that awesome tummy,” I say, and chuckle with… [Read More]
How to find motiviation to exercise in the dead of winter
I am one of those people who prefers to hibernate in the winter. It is just so COLD here from December to March and I find it difficult to motivate to do anything, including exercise. Last winter was my first one as a stay at home mom, and I spent many days snowbound with my… [Read More]
Guest Post: Have a Happy, HEALTHY Holiday Season!
Today’s guest blog post is from my friend and fellow IIN graduate Michelle Obermeier. Read on about her tips on how to have a healthy holiday season. It is official! The holiday season is upon us once again! It is time for family, celebration, presents and festivities! It is also time for cookies, chocolates and… [Read More]
3 ways to keep calm during the holidays
With Thanksgiving approaching this week, and holiday decorations already in the stores, it is evident that the “holiday season” has begun. In addition to the joy and excitement that is palpable this time of year, these weeks can bring stress for many due to the numerous family functions and parties. Of course, this is a wonderful season and there is… [Read More]