Summer is officially here! With the 4th of July quickly approaching, it really feels like summertime. As the weather gets warmer, its easy to forget how important it is to stay hydrated. Many prefer a cold beer or chilled wine during this season, but it is incredibly important to drink enough water, especially during the summer months.
Drinking more water is one of the easiest changes that one can make for better health. Our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water, so we need to replenish all of the fluid that is lost during the day from sweating, urinating etc. Staying hydrated keeps our bodies in balance and running properly.
I have to admit, that I am terrible about drinking enough water. My daughter thinks that water bottles are the best toys ever, which makes it tough to stay hydrated since I am typically with her. I am always in a rush, so often forget to grab a water bottle on my way out. Even while teaching my classes, I struggle to stay hydrated, since I am constantly calling out instructions and watching my students. Drinking more water is high on my personal list of health goals.
The health benefits of water are numerous: it helps us maintain body fluids, flush out toxins, improve skin, aid digestion, and relieve headaches. Our bodies seek a balanced state, and dehydration does not help us to feel our best. Drinking water has been found to assist with weight loss, as it can make you feel full and avoid high calorie drinks. Dehydration brings on fatigue, so drinking adequate water will also boost energy levels.
When I make the suggestion to stay hydrated, this does not mean to drink coffee, tea, or soda. Even though they are liquids, some of these drinks produce a diuretic effect on the body, which can cause dehydration. If you are having other drinks, you can simply try to incorporate water in addition.
How much water should you drink? Some experts suggest 8 glasses of water a day. Others recommend taking your body weight in pounds, dividing it in half and drinking that number of ounces. Pay attention to your body to determine how much water you need to drink. If its hot out, drink more. If you feel thirsty, drink more. If you are exercising, drink more. Listen to your body’s cues to sense how much water you need.
Another common question is what is the best kind of water to drink. Bottled? Tap? Distilled? Filtered? There are benefits and problems with most types of water. Some people claim that chemicals from the plastic can leach into bottled water. One problem with distilled water is that it doesn’t contain any of the essential minerals found in natural water. There are concerns about the chlorine in tap water. I think its best to just drink whatever water is easily accessible. I often opt for tap water, but also use the water cooler in my house which keeps my water chilled.
I love the taste of water. Nothing refreshes me in the same way. However, I have heard many people complain that they don’t like the taste of water and/or that they find it to be boring. It is easy to add some lemon or lime to your water for more taste. Another great option is to put some cucumber or berries in your water and let it absorb those flavors.
The bottom line is this: water is essential for humans to live and a great way to make sure that your body is hydrated and balanced. Drink up!
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